“Ideas do not always come in a flash, but by diligent experiments.”
- Charles K. Kao 高錕 -
Research Projects

Towards Energy-Efficient and Decarbonized Buildings: A Study on Developing Building Skin Materials with Control Optimization
Chameleon-inspired Self-adaptive Daytime Passive Radiative Coolers with Cooling Power Modulation Ability for Building Applications (GRF 11200022) (Rate: 5.0, Outstanding GRF Proposal) (In Progress).
Thermochromic Transparent Wood Composites for Highly Efficient Broadband Optical Management in Smart Window Applications (GRF 11200121) (In Progress).
Coral-inspired and Colored Daytime Passive Radiative Coolers using Photoluminescent Carbon Dots for Cooling Power Recovery in Building Applications(GRF 11200923)(In Progress).
Anomalous Photon Transport induced Asymmetric Electromagnetic Transmission for use in Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling in a Humid Climate (GRF 16200518) (Completed).
Electrostatic Charging of Coalescence-induced Jumping Droplets and its Application in a Nanofluid based Phase Change Thermal Diode (GRF 16202517) (Completed).
Study of Hybrid-Nanofluids in Superhydrophilic Wick Structure for Heat Transfer Enhancement in an Adsorption Cooling System (ECS 21200819) (Completed).
Full Wavelength Modulated 2D Thermochromic Perovskite Smart Windows: From Materials Design to Building Applications with Control Optimisation
Reducing Transmission of Novel Coronavirus and Other Infectious Diseases using Food Waste-derived Medical Textiles via Electrospinning for Healthcare Apparel and Personal Protection Equipment (CRF C1105-20G, Co-I) (In Progress).
Study of Cooling Effect by Surface Treatment and its Application to Smart Green Buildings (CRF C6022-16G, Co-I) (Completed).
Decarbonization Solutions for Buildings in Hong Kong: Development, Assessment and Deployment(STG2/E-605/23-N)(In Progress).

RAISe+ Scheme:​​​​
Revolutionizing Climate Resilience: A Universal Soultion via Next-Generation Radiative Cooling Technologies for a Greener Community (In Progress).
ITF Project:​​​​
Study and Development of Novel and Next-Generation Self-Cooling Building Materials using Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Technology(ITS/128/22FP)(In Progress).
Development of Thermoresponsive Desiccant-coated Biomimetic Heat Exchangers for Adsorption-based Dehumidification (ITS/122/22)(In Progress).
Development of Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Paint for Buildings (ITT/024/22GP) (In Progress).
Study and Development of a Novel Perovskite Thermochromic Smart Window with Electricity Generation Capability for Building Applications (ITSF ITS/041/21) (In Progress).
Study and Development of a Novel and Smart Textile for Personal Thermal Management (ITSF ITS/107/20) (Completed).
Development of a High-Performance Passive Radiative Cooler for Buildings (ITSF ITS/013/16) (Completed).
Study and Development of a Novel Superhydrophilic-Nanostructured Composite Surface in Dehumidification Systems (ITSF ITS/429/18) (Completed).

Energy-Saving Passive Evaporative Eco-Cooling Paint (In Progress)
Study and Development of an Advanced Solid Desiccant Cooling System for Hong Kong Buildings (ECF 9211200) (Completed).

Contract Research:​​
Energy-saving Study of a Novel Hybrid Ventilation System and Ventilation Optimization by Artificial Intelligence in Cavern (Completed).
Study of an Adsorption Cooling System adopting Superhydrophilic-nanostructured Composite Surface for use in Cavern (Completed).
Deployment of Computer Models to Review Operating Range of Sewage Pumping Systems at Wan Chai East and Central Preliminary Treatment Works (Completed).
Feasibility Study on Demand Control Ventilation System in Cavern (Completed).

Passive Radiative Cooling Paint on the Rooftop of an Office for Energy-saving Evaluation and Demonstration (Completed).

Review on Operating Performance of Oil-free Chillers at Princess Margaret Hospital (In Progress). ​
Study of Performance of Plate-tube Chiller (In Progress).
Energy-saving Evaluation of the Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Paint on the Rooftop of an Office in Tung Chung (In Progress).
Study on Performance of Radiative Cooling Coating (Completed).
Consultancy Services for Energy Saving Study for the Third Batch of Chiller Replacement Project at Hospital Authority's Venues (Completed).
Consultancy Services for Chiller Plant Optimization by Artificial Intelligence and Energy Saving for the Second Batch Chiller Replacement Projects at Hospital Authority’s Venues (Completed).

CityU Internal Funding as PM and PI:​​
Moisture-absorbent Hydrogel as a New Solid Desiccant for Air Dehumidification (In Progress).
A Superhydrophilic-Nanostructured Composite Adsorbent Surface for use in a Novel Hybrid Dehumidifier (In Progress).
Study and Development of Sub-ambient Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Paint for Buildings (Completed).
Study of Thermochromic and Photovoltaic Characteristics of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites in Smart Window Applications for Smart Green Buildings (Completed).
Study and Development of an Indoor Thermal Environment Control System and Electrostatic Charging of Coalescence-induced Jumping Droplets for use in a Hybrid Nanofluid-based Phase Change Thermal Diode (Completed).

GTF Project:​​
Thermally-integrated water desalination—electrolysis system for renewable hydrogen generation(Green Tech Fund GTF 202220159) (In Progress).