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The 4th Asia Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions Hong Kong (AEII) - Gold Medal 
Invention Name: Passive Radiative Cooling Ceramic

Hong Kong Green Innovations Award (HKGIA) - Silver Award


RGC Research Fellowship (2024/25)
Project title: Towards Energy-Efficient and Decarbonized Buildings: A Study on Developing Building Skin Materials with Control Optimization

The Best Paper Award, 8th International Conference on Energy Harvesting, Stroage and Transfer (EHST 2024), Toronto, Canada, 16 - 18 June.

The HKIE Grand Award - Grand Prize (Innovation Category, Sub-category II - All
Member Group)

Awarded Project: iPaint AI and Related Best Practices



 The top 2% of the world’s most highly cited scientists by Stanford University in 2022


ASME Outstanding Paper Award, ASME 17th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Washington DC, USA, 10 – 12 July.

Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED), Invention Name: Electricity-free Cooling Ceramic, Silver Medal.

Gold Award, TERA-Award Smart Energy Innovation Competition (US$1,000,000)


ASME Outstanding Paper Award, ASME 17th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Washington DC, USA, 10 – 12 July.



CityU Outstanding Research Award 2022 for Junior Faculty

Selected by CityU to participate the 2022 InnoTech Expo <<創科博覽>> 香港特區成立25周年科研成果展, Dec 12 - 22, 2022

The top 2% of the world’s most highly cited scientists by Stanford University in 2021


Selected by HK government bureaus/departments to promote Daytime Passive Radiative Coolers and Thermochromic Smart Windows to the general public, Hong Kong Science Museum, Aug 30, 2022

ASME Outstanding Paper Award, ASME 16th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 11 – 13 July.

第7屆中國國際”互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽 優秀創新創業導師

Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED), Special Edition 2022. Invention Name: An Intelligent and Thermal-responsive Window for Indoor Thermal Management and Energy-saving in Buildings, Gold Medal (金獎)


ASME Outstanding Paper Award, ASME 16th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 11 – 13 July.



The top 2% of the world’s most highly cited scientists by Stanford University in 2020

The HKIE Best Transaction Paper Prize with Prof. Michael Leung and Prof. Wei Wu

International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN 2021).

Invention Name: An Intelligent and Thermally-responsive Window (ITRW) for Indoor Thermal Management and Energy-saving in Buildings.

Gold Medal, Canadian Special Award, Best Invention Video Award

Selected by HK government bureaus/departments to promote Daytime Passive Radiative Coolers and Thermochromic Smart Windows to the general public, Hong Kong Science Museum, Aug 30, 2022

HKIE Environmental Division, Champion, Environmental Paper Award for the Paper

“An Energy-free and Low-cost Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Paint for Energy Saving in Buildings and Decarbonization”

Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED), Special Edition 2021

Invention Name: An Energy-Free, Low-Cost and High Cooling Performance Passive Radiative Cooling Technology for Building Applications

GCJ Medal: Gold with Congratulations of the Jury (評審團特別嘉許金獎) (i.e. highest award received inby Hong Kong teams in IGED 2021, and a Congratulations Letter received from CityU President, Prof. Way Kuo)



Hanson I&T Outstanding Awards & Best Innovation Award, “Low-Cost High Performance Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling in Building Applications” with Prof. Christopher Chao (Dean of Engineering and Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong), Energy Saving Championship Scheme, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), HKSAR


The HKIE Best Transactions Paper Prize with Prof. Christopher Chao, Mr. X.J. Wang, and Mr. B. Traipattanakul

The Best Paper Award, 4(th) International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2018), Melbourne, Australia


PhD Research Excellence Award, School of Engineering, HKUST


Fulbright – Research Grant Council (RGC) Hong Kong Research Scholar Award


Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Postgraduate Study


JEC Outstanding Engineering Project Award, Jardine Engineering Co., 2(nd) runner up

Research Paper Award (Third Prize), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Conference on Low Carbon Town and Physical Energy Storage, Changsha, China


HKUST One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition, 1(st) runner up

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Award

Ove Arup Research Prize Award


Final Year Design Project (FYDP): Development of a Torsional Wave Demonstrator (displayed in the Hong Kong Science Museum till 2018)

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