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“If you can't explain it simply,
you don't understand it well enough.”

- Albert Einstein-

Radiative Cooling

A water droplet impacting a hot surface (Cooling Ceramic) 

Thermography of water droplets impacting a hot surface (Cooling Ceramic) 

A water droplet impacting a hot surface (Commercial Tile) 

DFTDT simulation-light propagation

Jumping droplets on a biphilic surface under the low-pressure condition of Pa = 50 kPa (i.e., ∼0.5 atm) without the electric field applied

Thermography of water droplets impacting a hot surface (Commercial Tile) 

Waterproof and antidust demonstration of VO2 thermochromic transparent wood film

jumping droplets on a biphilic surface under atmospheric conditions with an electric field (E = 50 kV/m) applied

Smart Window  

Water jetting test for mask-inspired thermochromic perovskite smart window

Thermochromism of perovskite smart window

Demonstration of the superhydrophobicity of mask-inspired thermochromic perovskite smart window

Reversible transition of mask-inspired thermochromic perovskite smart window between cold and hot states



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Refereed Articles (Google Scholar Profile)


  1. X.H. Song, L.Y. Liu, A.S. Farooq, C.Y. Tso and P. Zhang, 2025, Stimulated and Experimental Evaluation of Optical Property of the Polymeric Radiative Cooling Coating with Gradient-dispersed Particles, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 213 109819.

  2. K.X. Lin, Y. Fu, H. Li, X. Li, J.H. Chen, S.R. Chen, S. Bai, A.Q. Pan and C.Y. Tso*, 2025,  Exploring Real-World Applications of Passive Radiative Cooling for Sustainability, Cell Reports Physical Science, 102445. 

  3. X. Chen, W. Zhang, M.Y. Wong, W. Wang, A. Gautam, A.Q. Pan, T.C. Ho, J.H. Chen, Y.H. Zhu, A.K. An and C.Y. Tso*, 2025,  Optimizing Micro-Grooved Biphilic Surfaces for Enhanced Condensation Heat Transfer and Coalescence-Induced Droplet Jumping, Applied Thermal Engineering, 267 125839.

  4. K.M.F. Hasan, J.H. Chen, S.R. Chen, K.X. Lin, M.Y. Wong, L. Liang, Y.H. Zhu, A.Q. Pan, Y.F. Minale, T.C. Ho, S.K. Lin and C.Y. Tso*, 2025, Advanced Bioinspired Personal Thermoregulation Textiles for Outdoor Radiative Cooling, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 17 3436-47.

  5. J. Li, G. Wang, H. Fan, Z. Li, C.Y. Tso and Y. Zhou, 2025, Atmospheric Water Sorption Kinetics in Powder and Monolithic Metal-Organic Frameworks, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2400628.



  1. H.F. He, S. Liu, Y.W. Du, R. Zhang, T.C. Ho and C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Enhancing Stability: Two-Dimensional Thermochromic Perovskite for Smart Windows in Building Application, Advanced Functional Materials, 2417582.

  2. S. Bai, X. Yao, M.Y. Wong, Q. Xu, H. Li, K.X. Lin, Y.Y. Zhou, T.C. Ho, A.Q. Pan, J.H. Chen, Y.H. Zhu, S. Wang and C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Enhancement of Water Productivity and Energy Efficiency in Sorption-based Atmospheric Water Harvesting Systems: From Material, Component to System Level, ACS Nano, (In Press). (Featured as Supplementary Cover)

  3. C.Y. Wang and C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Investigation on the Overall Performance of Hydrogel-based Thermochromic Windows with Various Structures, Energy and Buildings, 324 114921.

  4. L. Liang, J.H. Chen, K.X. Lin, X. Yang, C.T. Kwok, H. Pan, Z. Liu, A. Pan, S. Liu, S. Chen, Y. Zhu, W. Li, Q. Sun and C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Nature-inspired Temperature-adaptive Building  Module: Achieving All-seasons Passive Radiative Cooling and Heating, Energy and Buildings, 325 114949.

  5. Y.H. Chan, Y.F. Wang, K.C. Chan, K.X. Lin, K.X. Lin, T.C. Ho, C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao and S.C. Fu, 2024, Energy Saving Potential of Passive Radiative Cool Coating in High-rise Data Center with Neighboring Infrastructure, Energy, 312 133540.

  6. K.M.F. Hasan, S. Bai, S. Chen, K.X. Lin, T. Ahmed, J.H. Chen, A. Pan, Y. Zhu, C.S.K. Lin and C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Nanotechnology-empowered Radiative Cooling and Warming Textiles, Cell Reports Physical Science, 5 102108.

  7. K.X. Lin, J.H. Chen, A. Pan, H. Li, Y. Fu, C.T. Kwok, L. Liang, Y.H. Zhu, Q.P. Sun and  C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Beyond the Static: Dynamic Radiative Cooling Materials and Applications, Materials Today Energy, 44 101647. (Top Downloaded in 2024)

  8. S.D. Wu, H.L. Sun, J.K. Song, S. Liu, S.H. Shi, C.Y. Tso, and Borong Lin, 2024, Comprehensive Analysis on Building Performance Enhancement Based on Selective Split-band Modulated Adaptive Thermochromic Windows, Applied Energy, 372 123754.

  9. A. Pan, K.X. Lin, S. Bai, T.C. Ho, H.H. Lee and  C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Numerical Investigations of Novel  Hybrid Solid Desiccant Cooling System Combined with Passive Radiative Sky Cooling Panels, Renewable Energy, 226 120400.

  10. J. H. Chen, K.X. Lin, A. Pan, Y. Zhu, T.C. Ho, Q. Gong, L. Jia, W. Shi, Q.P. Sun, C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Innovating Building Energy Regulations enabled by Radiative Sky Cooling: Enhanced Code of Practice for Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) of Super-cool Roofs, Energy Conversion and Management, 306 118309.

  11. S.C. Lo, X. Chen, S.R. Chen, Y Miao, W.A. Daoud, C.Y. Tso*, I. Firdous, B.J. Deka, C.S.K. Lin, 2024, Fabrication of Biodegradable PLA-PHBV Medical Textiles via Electrospinning for Healthcare Apparel and Personal Protective Equipment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 39 101536.

  12. L. Liang, S. Bai, K.X. Lin, C.T. Kwok, S. Chen, Y.H. Zhu, C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Advancing Sustainable Development: Broad Applications of Passive Radiative Cooling, Sustainability, 16 2346.

  13. S. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Du, Y. Wang, K.M. Yu, B.L. Huang, H.L. Yip, Alex K.Y. Jen, C.Y. Tso*, 2024, Mask-Inspired Moisture-transmitting and Durable Thermochromic Perovskite Smart Window, Nature Communications, 15 876.


  1. K.X. Lin, S. Chen, Y. Zeng, T.C. Ho, Y.H. Zhu, X Wang, F Liu, B.L. Huang, C.Y.Chao, Z. Wang, C.Y. Tso*, Hierarchically Structured Passive Radiative Cooling Ceramicwith High Solar Reflectivity, Science 382 691-697. Highlighted by Nature Energy, 8 1303 (2023), Reported by Croucher News 2023

  2. S. Bai, L.C. Chao, A. Pan, T.C. Ho, K.X. Lin and C.Y. Tso*, 2023, Study of the Relative Humidity Effects on the Water Condensation Performance of Adsorption-based Atmospheric Water Harvesting Using Passive Radiative Condensers, Applied Thermal Engineering, 244 122702.

  3. Y. Zhang, C.Y. Tso, C.F. Tse, M.L. Fong, K.X. Lin, Y.J. Sun, 2023. A Novel Radiative Sky Cooler System with enhanced Daytime Cooling Performance to reduce Building Roof Heat Gains in Subtropical Climate, Renewable Energy, 119686.

  4. Y. Du, S. Liu, X. Chen, Y. Li, T.C. Ho, L.C. Chao, C.Y. Tso*, 2023. Perovskite-Coated Thermochromic Transparent Wood: A Novel Material for Smart Windows in Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Buildings, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 49665-77.

  5. S. Liu, Y. Du, R. Zhang, H. He, A. Pan, T.C. Ho, Y. Zhu, Y. Li, H.L. Yip, Alex K.Y. Jen, C.Y. Tso*, 2023. Perovskite Smart Windows: The Light Manipulator in Energy Efficient Buildings, Advanced Materials, 36(17) 2306423. (Featured as Back Cover)

  6. Y.M. Wong, C.Y. Tso, S.C. Fu, C.Y. Chao, 2023. Field Demonstrated Extended Graetzian Viscous Dissipative Thermo-photonic Energy Conversion with a Blended MgO/PVDF/PMMA coated Glass-PDMS Micro-pillar Heat Exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 215 124520.

  7. Y.M. Wong, C.Y. Tso, S.C. Fu, C.Y. Chao, 2023. Critical Sky Temperatures for Passive Radiative Cooling, Renewable Energy, 211 214-226.

  8. S. Chen, K.X. Lin, A.Q. Pan, T.C. Ho, Y.H. Zhu, C.Y. Tso*, 2023. Study of a Passive Radiative Cooling Coating on Chemical Storage Tanks for Evaporative Loss Control, Renewable Energy, 211 326-335.

  9. A.Q. Pan, K.X. Lin, S. Chen, C.Y. Tso*, 2023. Investigation on Asymmetric Transmittivity of Optical Devices and Different Diode-like behaviours, iScience, 26 107032.

  10. W. Shang, W. Liu, W. Wang, N.K. Khanzada, J. Guo, M. Li, X. Li, J.Y. Lao, S.Y. Jeong, C.Y. Tso, F. Sun, A.K. An, 2023. Facile Synthesis of Micro-eggette Patterned Nanofiltration Membrane with Effective Antifouling and Rejection Performance, Desalination, 555 116524.

  11. S. Bai, Y. Tian, A. Pan, Y. Zeng, S. Chen, T.C. Ho, J. Shang, C.Y. Tso*, 2023. Adsorption-based Atmospheric Water Harvesting by Passive Radiative Condensers for Continuous Decentralized Water Production, Applied Thermal Engineering, 225 120163.

  12. M.Y. Wong, Y. Zhu, T.C. Ho, A.Q. Pan, C.Y. Tso*, 2023. Polypyrrole-Reduced Graphene Oxide Coated Delignified Wood for Highly Efficient Solar Interfacial Steam Generation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 219 119686.

  13. Y.D. He, S. Liu, C.Y. Tso, 2023. A Novel Solar-based Human-centered Framework to evaluate Comfort-Energy Performance of Thermochromic Smart Windows with Advanced Optical Regulation, Energy and Buildings, 278 112638.



  1. Johnny S.C. Lo, W. Daoud, C.Y. Tso, H.H. Lee, I. Firdous, B.J. Deka, 2022. Optimization of Polylactic acid-based Medical Textiles via Electrospinning for Healthcare Apparel and Personal Protective Equipment, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 30 100891.

  2. S. Chen, A. Pan, Y.H. Zhu, T.C. Ho, H.H. Lee, Y. Zeng, C.L. Wu, H.H. Qiu, C.Y. Tso*, 2023. A Novel Composite Adsorbent Coated Superhydrophilic-Nanostructured Heterogeneous Surface for Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 184 107978.

  3. Y.H. Chan, Y. Zhang, T. Tennakoon, S.C. Fu, K.C. Chan, C.Y. Tso, K.M. Yu, M.P. Wan, B.L. Huang, S.H. Yao, H.H. Qiu, C.Y. Chao, 2022 Potential Passive Cooling Methods based on Radiation Controls in Buildings, Energy Conversion and Management, 272 116342.

  4. K.X. Lin, Y. Du, S. Chen, L.C. Chao, H.H. Lee, T.C. Ho, Y. Zhu, Y. Zeng, A. Pan, C.Y. Tso*, 2022. Nanoparticle-polymer Hybrid Dual-layer Coating with Broadband Solar Reflection for High-performance Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling, Energy and Buildings, 276 112507. 

  5. Y.M. Wong, C.Y. Tso, S.C Fu, C.Y. Chao, 2022. Maxwell-Garnett Permittivity Optimized Micro-porous PVDF/PMMA Blend for Near Unity Thermal Emission through the Atmospheric Window, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 248 112003. 

  6. F.R. Siddiqui, C.Y. Tso, S.C. Fu, H.H. Qiu, C.Y. Chao, 2022. Copper-alumina Hybrid Nanofluid Droplet Phase Change Dynamics over Heated Plain Copper and Porous Residue Surfaces, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 182 107795. 

  7. Y. Shen, T. Luo, Y. Zhang, C.Y. Tso, N. Zhang, J. Xie, J. Liu, P. Xue, 2022. Regional Applicability of Thermochromic Windows based on Dynamic Radiation Spectrum, Renewable Energy, 196 15-27. 

  8. M.I. Iqbal, K.X. Lin, F.X. Sun, S. Chen, A.Q. Pan, H.H Lee, C.W. Kan, Carol S.K. Lin, C.Y. Tso*, 2022. Radiative Cooling Nano-Fabric for Personal Thermal Management, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 23577-23587.

  9. F.R. Siddiqui, C.Y. Tso, H.H. Qiu, C.Y. Chao, S.C. Fu, 2022. Hybrid Nanofluid Spray Cooling Performance and its Residue Surface Effects: Toward Thermal Management of High Heat Flux Devices, Applied Thermal Engineering, 211 118454. 

  10. C.T. Wang, J.C. Xu, K.C. Chan, H.H. Lee, C.Y. Tso, S.K. Lin, C.Y. Chao, S.C. Fu, 2022. Infection Control Measures for Public Transportation derived from the Flow Dynamics of Obstructed Cough Jet, Journal of Aerosol Science, 163 105995. (Featured as Cover Image)   

  11. Y. Zhu, T.C. Ho, H.H. Lee, M.K.H. Leung and C.Y. Tso*, 2022. Jumping Droplets on Nanostructured Biphilic Surfaces: Effects of Surface Structure, Surface Orientations, and Air Pressure, Cell Reports Physical Science, 3 100849. 

  12. S Liu, Y. Li, Y Wang, K.M. Yu, B.L. Huang and C.Y. Tso*, 2022. Near-Infrared-Activated Thermochromic Perovskite Smart Windows, Advanced Science, 9(14) 2106090. (Featured as Inside Front Cover) (Top Downloaded Article)   

  13.  Y. Du, S. Liu, Z. Zhou, H.H. Lee, T.C. Ho, S.P. Feng, C.Y. Tso*, 2022. Study on the Halide Effect of MA4PbX6·2H2O Halide Hybrid Perovskites – from Thermochromic Properties to Practical Deployment for Smart Windows, Materials Today Physics, 100624.

  14. C. Lin, Y. Li, C. Chi, Y.S. Kwon, C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao and B.L. Huang, 2022. A Solution-processed Inorganic Emitter with High Spectral Selectivity for Efficient Sub-ambient Radiative Cooling in Hot Humid Climates, Advanced Materials, 2109350.

  15. Y.Zhang, T. Tennakoon, Y.H. Chan, K.C. Chan, S.C. Fu, C.Y. Tso, K.M. Yu, B.L. Huang, S.H. Yao, H.H. Qiu, C.Y. Chao, 2022. Energy Consumption Modelling of a Passive Hybrid System for Office Buildings in Different Climates, Energy, 239 121914.



  1. M.Y. Wong, Y.H. Zhu, Y. Zeng, H.C. Ho, Y. Yang, H.H. Qiu and C.Y. Tso*, 2021. Thermal Rectification Enhancement of Coalescence – Jumping Phase Transition Thermal Diodes using Cu-Al2O3 Hybrid Nanofluids, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2100958 (Featured as Inside Front Cover) ​                       

  2. K.X. Lin, L.C. Chao, H.H. Lee, R. Xin, S. Liu, T.C. Ho, B.L. Huang, K.M. Yu and C.Y. Tso*, 2021. Potential Building Energy Savings by Passive Strategies combining Daytime Radiative Coolers and Thermochromic Smart Windows, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 28 101517. 

  3. Y.M. Wong, C.Y. Tso* and C.Y. Chao, 2021. Thermo-radiative Energy Conversion Efficiency of a Passive Radiative Fluid Cooling System, Renewable Energy 180 700-711.

  4. K.X. Lin, L.C. Chao, T.C. Ho, C.J. Lin, S.R. Chen, Y.W. Du, B.L. Huang and C.Y. Tso*, 2021. A Flexible and Scalable Solution for Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Using Polymer Sheets, Energy and Buildings 252 111400.

  5. F.R. Siddiqui, C.Y. Tso, S.C. Fu, H.H. Qiu, C.Y. Chao, 2021. Droplet Evaporation and Boiling for Different Mixing Ratios of the Silver-graphene Hybrid Nanofluid over heated Surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 180 121786. 

  6. Z.H. Qin, J.H. Mou, C.Y.H. Chao, S.S. Chopra, W. Daoud, S.Y. Leu, Z. Ning, C.Y. Tso, C.K. Chan, S. Tang, Z. Hathi, M.A. Haque, X. Wang and C.S.K. Lin, 2021. Biotechnology of Plastic Waste Degradation, Recycling, and Valorization: Current Advances and Future Perspectives, ChemSusChem, 14 1-13 (Featured as Front Cover) ​                                                                                                                                                                

  7. S. Liu, C.Y. Tso*, Y.W. Du, L.C. Chao, H.H. Lee, T.C. Ho and M.K.H. Leung, 2021. Bioinspired Flexible Thermochromic Transparent Hydrogel Wood with Advanced Optical Regulation Abilities and Robust Mechanical Properties for Smart Windows, Applied Energy297 117207. 

  8. Y.W. Du, S. Chen, L.C. Chao, K. Lin, H.H. Lee, T.C. Ho, M.K.H. Leung, C.Y. Tso*, An Energy-free and Low-cost Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling Paint for Energy-Saving in Buildings and Decarbonization, HKIE Environmental Division, (Environmental Paper Award, Champion)

  9. S. Liu, C.Y. Tso*, H.H. Lee, K.M. Yu, S.P. Feng and B.L. Huang, 2021. Self-Densified Optically Transparent VO2 Thermochromic Wood Film for Smart Windows, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13 22495-22504. 

  10. Y.M. Wong, C.Y. Tso and C.Y. Chao, 2021. Corrected Radiative Cooling Power measured by Equivalent Dissipative Thermal Reservoir Method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 174 121341. 

  11. S. Liu, Y.W. Du, C.Y. Tso*, H.H. Lee, R. Cheng, S.P. Feng and K.M. Yu, 2021. Organic Hybrid Perovskite (MAPbI3-xClx) for Thermochromic Smart Window with Strong Optical Regulation Ability, Low Transition Temperature and Narrow Hysteresis Width, Advanced Functional Materials, 31 2010426 (Featured as Inside Front Cover) ​                                                                                                                                                 

  12. W. Ma, Y. Li, C.Y. Chao, C.Y. Tso, B.L. Huang, W. Li and S.H. Yao, 2021. Solar-Assisted Icephobicity Down to -60 °C with Superhydrophobic Selective Surfaces, Cell Reports Physical Science, 2(3) 100384.

  13. Y. Zhu, C.Y. Tso*, T.C. Ho, M.K.H. Leung and S. Yao, 2021. Coalescence-induced Jumping Droplets on Nanostructured Biphilic Surfaces with Electrification Effects, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(9) 11470-11479.

  14. F.R. Siddiqui, C.Y. Tso, S.C. Fu, H.H. Qiu and C.Y. Chao, 2021. Droplet Evaporation of Cu-Al(2)O(3) Hybrid Nanofluid Over Residue and Copper Surfaces: Towards Developing a New Analytical Model, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 143 021604-1.

  15. M.Y. Wong, C.Y. Tso*, T.C. Ho and H.H. Lee, 2021. A Review of State of the Art Thermal Diodes and their Potential Applications, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 164 120607.



  1. Y. Li, C.J. Lin, Z.X. Wu, Z.Y. Chen, C. Chi, F. Cao, D.Q. Mei, H. Yan, C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao and B.L. Huang, 2020. Solution-Processed All-Ceramic Plasmonic Metamaterials for Efficient Solar-Thermal Conversion over 100-727 ºC, Advanced Materials, 33(1) 2005074. 

  2. S. Bai, T.C. Ho, J. Ha, A.K An, and C.Y. Tso*, 2020. Study of the Salinity Effects on the Cooling and Desalination Performance of an Adsorption Cooling cum Desalination System with a Novel Composite Adsorbent, Applied Thermal Engineering, 181 115879.

  3. Y. Zhu, C.Y. Tso*, T.C. Ho, M.K.H. Leung, S. Yao and H.H. Qiu, 2020. Heat Transfer Enhancement on Tube Surfaces with Biphilic Nanomorphology, Applied Thermal Engineering, 180 115778.

  4. S. Liu, C.Y. Tso*, Y. Zhang, H.H. Lee, K.M. Yu, and C.Y. Chao, 2020. Bioinspired TiO2 Nanocone Antireflection Layer for the Optical Performance Improvement of VO2 Thermochromic Smart Windows, Scientific Reports, 10(1) 1-14.

  5. M. Kong, K. Egbo, C.P. Liu, M.K. Hossain, C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao and K.M. Yu, 2020. Rapid Thermal Annealing assisted Facile Solution Method for Tungsten-doped Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films on Glass Substrate. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 833 155053.

  6. M.K.H. Leung, C.Y. Tso, W. Wu and Z. Zheng, 2020. Chillers of Air-conditioning Systems: An Overview. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Transactions, 27(3) 113-127. (The HKIE Best Transaction Paper Prize)

  7. F.R. Siddiqui, C.Y. Tso, S.C. Fu, H.H. Qiu and C.Y. Chao, 2020. Evaporation and Wetting Behavior of Silver-graphene Hybrid Nanofluid Droplet on its Porous Residue Surface for Various Mixing Ratios. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 153 119618.

  8. S.Y. Jeong, C.Y. Tso*, Y.M. Wong, C.Y. Chao, and B.L. Huang, 2020. Daytime Passive Radiative Cooling by Ultra Emissive Bio-inspired Polymeric Surface. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 206 110296.

  9. S.Y. Jeong, C.Y. Tso, J.Y. Ha, Y.M. Wong, B.L. Huang, C.Y. Chao and H.H. Qiu, 2020. Field Investigation of a Photonic Multi-layered TiO2 Passive Radiative Cooler in Sub-Tropical Climate. Renewable Energy, 146 44-55.



  1. Y. Zhang, C.Y. Tso, J.S. Iñigo, S. Liu, H. Miyazaki, C.Y. Chao and K.M. Yu, 2019. Perovskite Thermochromic Smart Window: Advanced Optical Properties and Low Transition Temperature. Applied Energy, 254 113690. 

  2. Y. Li, D. Zhou, C. Lin, D. Li, C. Chi, H. Huang, S. Yang, C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao and B.L. Huang, 2019. Scalable All-ceramic Nanofilms as Highly Efficient and Thermally Stable Selective Solar Absorbers. Nano Energy 64 103947. 

  3. K.C. Chan, C.Y. Tso, A. Hussain and C.Y. Chao, 2019. A Theoretical Model for the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Graphene Coated Metal Foams. Applied Thermal Engineering, 161 114112. 

  4. W.W. Che, C.Y. Tso, L. Sun, D. Ip, H. Lee, C.Y. Chao and A.K.H. Lau, 2019. Energy Consumption, Indoor Thermal Comfort and Air Quality in a Commercial Office with Retrofitted Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System. Energy and Buildings, 201 202-215. (Best Paper Award)

  5. M.Y. Wong, B. Traipattanakul, C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao and H.H. Qiu, 2019. Experimental and Theoretical Study of a Water-Vapor Chamber Thermal Diode. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 138 173-183. 

  6. B. Traipattanakul, C.Y. Tso and C.Y. Chao, 2019. A Phase-change Thermal Diode using Electrostatic-induced Coalescing-jumping Droplets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 135 294-304. 

  7. F.R. Siddiqui, C.Y. Tso, K.C. Chan, S.C. Fu and C.Y. Chao, 2019. On Trade-off for Dispersion Stability and Thermal Transport of Cu-Al2O3 Hybrid Nanofluid for Various Mixing Ratios. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132 1200-1216. 

  8. F.R. Siddiqui, C.Y. Tso, K.C. Chan, S.C. Fu, C.Y. Chao, 2019. Dataset on Critical Parameters of Dispersion Stability of Cu/Al2O3 Nanofluid and Hybrid Nanofluid for Various Ultra-sonication Times. Data in brief, 22 863-865. 

  9. B. Traipattanakul, C.Y. Tso, and C.Y. Chao, 2019. Electrostatic-induced Coalescing-Jumping Droplets on Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 128 550-561. 



  1. S.Y. Jeong, C.Y. Tso, M. Zouagui, Y.M. Wong and C.Y. Chao, 2018. A Numerical Study of Daytime Passive Radiative Coolers for Space Cooling in Buildings. Building Simulation, 11(5) 1011-1028.

  2. Y.M. Wong, C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao, B.L. Huang and M.P. Wan, 2018. Ultra-broadband Asymmetric Transmission Metallic Gratings for Subtropical Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 186 330-339. 

  3. L.Q. Zhu, C.Y. Tso, K.C. Chan, C.L. Wu, C.Y. Chao, J. Chen, W. He, and S.W. Luo, 2018. Performance Investigation of Nanostructured Composite Surfaces for use in Adsorption Cooling Systems with a Mass Recovery Cycle. Science and Technology for the Built Environment (formerly HVAC&R Research Journal), 24 1084-1103. 

  4. M.J. Song, C.Y. Tso*, C.Y. Chao, and C.L. Wu, 2018. Techno-economic Analysis on Frosting/defrosting Operations for an Air Source Heat Pump Unit with an Optimized Multi-Circuit Outdoor Coil. Energy and Buildings, 166 165-177. 

  5. L.Q. Zhu, C.Y. Tso, K.C. Chan, C.L. Wu, C.Y. Chao, J. Chen, W. He, and S.W. Luo, 2018. Experimental Investigation on Composite Adsorbent-Water Pair for a Solar-Powered Adsorption Cooling System. Applied Thermal Engineering, 131 649-659. 

  6. K.C. Chan, C.Y. Tso, C.L. Wu and C.Y. Chao, 2018. Enhancing the Performance of a Zeolite 13X/CaCl2 – Water Adsorption Cooling System by improving Adsorber Design and Operation Sequence. Energy and Buildings, 158 1368-1378. 

  7. A. Hussain, I.H. Abidi, C.Y. Tso, K.C. Chan, Z.T. Luo and C.Y. Chao, 2018. Thermal Management of Lithium Ion Batteries using Graphene coated Nickel Foam saturated with Phase Change Materials. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 124 23-35.



  1. B. Traipattanakul, C.Y. Tso, and C.Y. Chao, 2017. Study of Jumping Water Droplets on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Electric Fields. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115 672-681.

  2. X.J. Wang, C.Y. Tso*, B. Traipattanakul, C.Y. Chao, 2017. Development of a Phase Change Material (PCM)-based Thermal Switch. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Transactions, Special Issue on Energy Engineering with Applications in Smart Green Buildings, 24(2) 107-112. (The HKIE Best Transaction Paper Prize)

  3. L.Q. Zhu, C.Y. Tso*, W. He, P. Li, C.L. Wu, C.Y. Chao, 2017. A Field Investigation of a Solar-Powered Adsorption Cooling System under Guangzhou’s Climate with Various Numbers of Heat Exchangers in the Adsorbers. Science and Technology for the Built Environment (formerly HVAC&R Research Journal), 23(8) 1282-1292.

  4. C.Y. Tso, K.C. Chan and C.Y. Chao, 2017. A Field Investigation of Passive Radiative Cooling under Hong Kong’s Climate. Renewable Energy, 106 52-61.

  5. H.H. Lee, S.C. Fu, C.Y. Tso and C.Y. Chao, 2017. Study of Residue Patterns of Aqueous Nanofluid Droplets with Different Particle Sizes and Concentrations on Different Substrates. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 105 230-236.

  6. S.C. Fu, C.Y. Tso, Y.S. Fong and C.Y. Chao, 2017. Evaporation of Al2O3-Water Nanofluids in an Externally Micro-grooved Evaporator. Science and Technology for the Built Environment (formerly HVAC&R Research Journal), 23 345-354.



  1. A. Hussain, C.Y. Tso and C.Y. Chao, 2016. Experimental Investigation of a Passive Thermal Management System for High-powered Lithium Ion Batteries using Nickel Foam-Paraffin Composite. Energy, 115 209-218. 

  2. C.Y. Tso and C.Y. Chao, 2016. Solid-State Thermal Diode with Shape Memory Alloys. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 93 605-611.

  3. C.Y. Tso, K.C. Chan, C.Y. Chao and C.L. Wu, 2015. Experimental Performance Analysis on an Adsorption Cooling System using Zeolite13X/CaCl2 Adsorbent with Various Operation Sequences. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 85 343-355.

  4. C.Y. Tso, and C.Y. Chao, 2015. Study of Enthalpy of Evaporation, Saturated Vapor Pressure and Evaporation Rate of Aqueous Nanofluids. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 84 931-941.

  5. K.C. Chan, C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao and C.L. Wu, 2015. Experiment verified Simulation Study of the Operating Sequences on the Performance of Adsorption Cooling System. Building Simulation, Tsinghua University Press. 8 255 – 269.

  6. C.Y. Tso, S.C. Fu and C.Y. Chao, 2014. A Semi-analytical Model for the Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids and Determination of the Nanolayer Thickness. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 70 202-214.

  7. C.Y. Tso, S.C. Fu and C.Y. Chao, 2014. Modeling a Solar-powered Double Bed Novel Composite Adsorbent (Silica Activated Carbon/CaCl2) - Water Adsorption Chiller. Building Simulation, Tsinghua University Press. 7 185-196.

  8. C.Y. Tso, C.Y. Chao and S.C. Fu, 2012. Performance Analysis of a Waste Heat driven Activated Carbon based Composite Adsorbent – Water Adsorption Chiller using Simulation Model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 7596-7610.

  9. C.Y. Tso and C.Y. Chao, 2012. Activated Carbon, Silica-gel and Calcium Chloride Composite Adsorbents for Energy Efficient Solar Adsorption Cooling and Dehumidification Systems. International Journal of Refrigeration, 35 1626-1638.

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